Crystal Mangano

Crystal Mangano

Crystal Mangano (Crystal Grooms Mangano) is a film and television composer. Her music can most recently be heard uplifting the coming-of-age documentary, Asperger’s Are Us, produced by Mark & Jay Duplassand directed by Alex Lehmann. In 2008, Crystal began working for Legativity Music, collaborating with owner and Emmy-nominated composer Mark Leggett, whose credits include NBC’s My Name is Earl, National Geographic’s Megastructures, and NBC’s The Pretender . Mark’s mentorship enabled her ascent in the television and film composing world. Crystal also composed additional music for several of his projects, including Discovery’s Penguins: Waddle All the Way and Time Warp, National Geographic’s JFK: The Final Hours, and Animal Planet’s Escape to Chimp Eden. Working at Mark’s studio exposed Crystal to an eclectic variety of scores from the blues rock music of My Name is Earl to cinematic scores for the countryside of Ladakh.