Original Series Soundtrack from the drama series In the Name of Aquarius (2024). The original music was written by Eloi Ragot (Unseen, Women of the Night, Reservoir).

Source: In the Name of Aquarius Series
Genre: Original Soundtrack
Music by Eloi Ragot
Label: Konigskinder Music
Format: Digital
Release Date: January 9, 2024

In the Name of Aquarius (also known as Haus aus Glas or Im Zeichen des Wassermanns) is a 2024 German drama miniseries written by Esther Bernstorff, Annette Simon, and Annika Tepelmann, directed by Alain Gsponer, produced by Constantin Television and Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), and distributed by ARD Degeto Film and ARTE. The series stars Gotz Schubert, Juliane Kohler, Stefanie Reinsperger, Morgane Ferru, Sarah Mahita, Merlin Rose, Lara Chedraoui, Leon Seidel, Carl Anton Koch, Elisabeth Kanettis, Sophia Amal Gsponer, Aram Arami, Samir Fuchs, and Ulrich Brandhoff.
In the Name of Aquarius premiered on 28th December 2023 and was released on 4th January 2024.

1 Prolog
2 Opener
3 Hochzeit Vorbereitung
4 Panikattacke
5 Die Trauung
6 Hausalarm
7 Millistar
8 Im Bett
9 Geschwister Besprechung
10 Felix und Linus am Pool
11 Flitterwochen
12 Felix’ Flashback
13 Im Zug
14 Nach Belgien
15 Bewusstlos
16 Unerwartete Lieferung
17 Kontakt zu Julia
18 Leeres Bankkonto
19 Barrikaden
20 Leo und Linus im Cafe
21 Fahrradunfall
22 Eingesperrt
23 Befreiung
24 Evas Entscheidung
25 Auszug
26 Emily

The original soundtrack is now available for streaming or purchasing on Amazon and Apple Music stores, see links.